
La Tribu's Mission: Helping People Disrupt What Has Become Their Norm, To Live Extraordinary Lives

Do you feel like you just don’t get everything checked off your to-do list or there’s never enough time in your day?

Or by the time you’ve reached a goal you’ve set… other things or relationships in your life have suffered because of it?

Is there a goal you are reaching for but the steps to achieve it seem too daunting or you take one step forward and two steps back?

Do you love what you do but need more balance?

Do you need help finding your purpose and learning how to give back?


Frequently Asked Questions

 Why do I need a coach?

Life throws a lot at you, sometimes all at once. Without a clear plan to help you stay consistent, some of the most important things in your life are put on hold while you fix the current issues. A coach will help you develop and stick to a plan.

What do you focus on?

We will discuss your goals and come up with a plan together to help you reach those goals. We’ll focus on multiple areas of your life to help ensure that achieving one goal isn’t forcing you to sacrifice other areas. From family & friends to career & leadership to health & fitness to finding purpose & giving back… we’ll break your goals into actionable steps. A good coach will help you challenge yourself to achieve more and hold you accountable to hitting your targets.

 What do you mean by “find your purpose?”

We all seek to find our purpose in life. Have you thought to yourself, “I feel like there is something else I can/should be doing?” Finding that purpose can be tricky; many go their entire lives not fulfilling their purpose. Coaching can help make that path clear.

We only have one life on this earth. That life is a GIFT. And that gift comes with certain responsibilities. We must give back to make it "the gift that keeps on giving." In addition to achieving your goals, a good coach will help you find your purpose, cultivate your gift and share it with others.

Why hire a coach online?

We spend so much time online. The Internet allows us to discover new insights, research something before we buy and access resources we might not find locally. And coaching is no different. Searching for a coach online gives you more options to choose from so that you can find someone with a philosophy that matches your own, a style you identify with or a life balance you are striving for. Coaching involves sessions held by phone or video conference. With today’s technology, you can do this from virtually anywhere.

 How many sessions do I get and how much does it cost?

Every situation is unique because no two people have the same objectives. So your coaching plan will be customized to fit your particular situation. A typical week may include one or two phone or video calls as well as email follow-ups. Costs are determined based on scope and the number of meetings per week or month. Contact me to discuss your goals and I can provide information about coaching packages.

How long is each coaching session and how long do I need to commit to working with a coach?

Sessions vary, but a typical session is 30 – 60 minutes, once or twice per week. All schedules are customizable based on your desired goals/results and your availability.

Coaching can be successful for both short and long term projects. Most people see the best results around the 90-day mark. I’ve coached people for as few as 30 days and as long as many years!

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Sed gravida eu turpis et ullamcorper.

Small Call to Action Headline

Ut sed tortor est. Donec faucibus leo sit amet purus malesuada ornare. Vestibulum auctor nunc leo, auctor scelerisque justo viverra ornare. Morbi metus elit, luctus id lacinia ac, faucibus id tellus. Sed gravida eu turpis et ullamcorper. Sed vestibulum diam eget urna sollicitudin sollicitudin. 



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.

Suspendisse quis maximus augue. Donec pharetra turpis erat, facilisis finibus eros volutpat ac.